I recently deployed some new code to a production Azure Function– feature complete, good to go! This particular function is triggered by an Azure Queue and when I went to check on…
I was searching and searching and couldn’t find any good documentation on how to create & delete VSTS Projects with PowerShell – so I figured I would write some myself! There’s some…
UPDATED 2.1.2019 to handle the new Az Azure Powershell module! Recently I’ve been creating some scripts using Azure PowerShell (like this one for DevTest Labs documented here), Azure PowerShell support moves forward…
I’ve been doing a lot with Azure Functions, Storage and DevTest Labs recently and leverage VSTS Build and Release to act as an ‘orchestration engine’ to automate Azure. It’s easy to have…
(note: this was reposted to fix issues in the code from here: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/peterhauge/2015/10/01/how-to-enable-rich-text-in-dynamics-crm-using-ckeditor/ , so all the comments related to this post are located at the URL above). I recently found myself…
In this post we’ll walk through the process on determining the needed parameters for the Azure Powershell Commandlet wrappers for the Azure REST APIs. It’s sometimes tricky! This is especially helpful if…
I recently learned that VSTS Build & Release tasks have a built-in way to leverage Azure Powershell – cool! I needed to automate a bunch of steps in Azure and already have…
There’s a customer I was working with who had a restricted network and was trying to determine exactly why a piece of software was failing. In their environment, they had a proxy…
On one of my recent ASP.Net projects, I needed to enable a user to pick an arbitrary set of things from a long list and wanted to do this WITHOUT any round…